Stay a step ahead with insights that make a difference. We give you everything you need to know to act decisively. Spin Policy is your go-to platform for straightforward information and analysis on public policies. It’s affordable, essential, and all-inclusive. Perfect for businesses and nonprofits looking to stay ahead of the curve

How our Spin Policy Platform can be used:

Draft Legislation Monitoring

Timely alerts and clear analysis.
– alerts with the important evolutions of the legislative processes 
– weekly reports that are easy to read and resubmit 
– online library with all relevant documents.

Political & Economic Reports

Know the trends and seize the opportunities. 
– W
eekly aggregated information, which helps you identify trends and opportunities 
Interpretation of the public policies processes and opportunities for intervention
– I
dentification of the relevant public positions for the pursued subject, from the online and offline sources

Risk Analyses

Navigate risks with strategic confidence.
Risk analyses and alerts, anticipating the course, stages and implications of each process 

Stakeholder Mapping

Detailed profiles and interconnections that matter. 
– We provide information on all relevant stakeholders, their importance for the pursued subject and level of influence 

Public Agenda Insights

Anticipate and engage before the debate even starts.
We are your observers in the most important debates, so that you can be able to identify the future risks.  


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